About Cindy

Intuitive Channeler, Certified Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioner, Certified Spiritual Life Coach

Hello! I’m so happy you are here!

I am Cindy Baxter, and for the past 4 decades, I have been a fine art portrait photographer, creating cherished memories for families throughout the Upper Ohio Valley and beyond. This is the story of how I profoundly transformed my life on the heels of a significant emotional event.

For the majority of my life, I was dedicated to my career, often working 60-plus hours a week to my own physical and mental detriment. Little did I know then, but this relentless work was a way to avoid the pain I felt deep inside and to gain validation by over-delivering for my clients.

Then, in 2021 my life took an unexpected turn. My brief, fairytale marriage abruptly ended, leaving my heart and soul utterly broken.

Initially, I believed this experience to be my worst nightmare. But looking back, I realize it was the blessing of a lifetime. It was, in fact, the gift my soul needed.

This challenging time was the catalyst for my spiritual awakening…I didn’t seek it, it just found me!! That led me to the transformative world of energy healing and Spiritual Life Coaching.

The Emotion Code and Body Code systems were instrumental in my emotional recovery. I credit myself as well as my gifted coaches in guiding me through the healing process.

I began to understand the profound effects that all unexamined trauma has in our lives, on both our mental and physical health. I now have a clear understanding of the intricate ways our past traumas and current life stresses intertwine to shape our physical and emotional well-being.

Inspired by the impact these modalities had on my life, I became certified in both Emotion Code and Body Code, as well as Spiritual Life Coaching.

Driven by a passion to support others in living authentically and on purpose, I created A Spiritual Path to Peace. This business is devoted to mind, body, and soul healing and my goal is to assist you in fearlessly living your best life ever. As I have done successfully for myself, I am ready to guide you on your own path to peace.

No matter what has disrupted your life – whether it was a betrayal, the loss of a loved one, an accident, illness, childhood abuse or another form of trauma — you are not alone. There is a path to peace, I know that now. Let me show you how to turn within and discover treasures you never knew you possessed.

Looking for a good place to go from here? Check out How I Can Help.

I invite you to walk with me on this path to peace and leave life’s illusions behind.

With love and light,

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