Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Emotion Code System?

The Emotion Code/Body Code are both holistic healing methods. They identify and release trapped emotions, which are unresolved feelings from past experiences that may negatively impact physical and emotional well-being.

Cindy, while seeking emotional peace in the face of a lifetime filled with betrayal, discovered the transformative and amazing healing power of the Emotion Code/Body Code Systems. It worked so remarkably well for her that she was inspired to become a practitioner herself, driven by a deep desire to guide and support others on their journey towards emotional tranquility and lasting healing.

What is an Intuitive Channeler?

An Intuitive Channeler is a gifted individual who serves as a conduit for spiritual guidance and insight. By tapping into higher realms of consciousness, an Intuitive Channeler receives messages, visions, and energies from spirit guides, angels, and other ethereal beings. These messages often provide clarity, direction, and healing to those seeking answers and understanding in their lives.

Through deep intuition and a heightened sense of awareness, the Intuitive Channeler can access profound wisdom that transcends the physical world. This unique ability allows them to offer personalized and transformative guidance, helping individuals navigate their life’s journey with greater ease and confidence.

If anyone had told me three years ago that I’d be channeling Angels, I would have thought they were crazy! Yet, here I am, deeply immersed in this extraordinary and unexpected journey. Becoming a Spiritual channel was not something I sought out or anticipated. In the beginning, it was quite overwhelming and even a bit frightening. I found myself questioning my own sanity as I navigated this new reality.

However, as I embraced this gift, I came to understand its profound purpose and the immense value it brings. The experience has transformed my life in ways I could never have imagined. I am now deeply grateful for this ability to connect with higher realms and share the wisdom and guidance of Angels. This journey, though initially challenging, has enriched my life and allowed me to help others find peace, clarity, and direction.

In any of my sessions, my Angels are available to provide profound and transformative guidance to my clients. This aspect of my practice is entirely optional. If a client prefers not to engage with higher consciousness, that is perfectly fine. The session can be conducted without the assistance of the Angels, focusing on only the release and healing techniques. My goal is to ensure that every client feels comfortable and supported, whether they choose to receive angelic guidance or not. Ultimately, the choice is theirs, and I respect their preferences, tailoring each session to meet their unique needs and desires.

Although I highly recommend embracing their guidance, many of my clients have been truly amazed at the life-changing information the Angels can provide. The insights and direction offered by these higher beings have often led to profound personal transformations, helping clients navigate their lives with greater clarity, purpose, and peace. The experience of connecting with such powerful spiritual guides can be incredibly enriching and empowering, offering a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s life journey.

What is a Spiritual Life Coach?

A Spiritual Life Coach is a guide who helps individuals connect with their inner selves and align their lives with their true purpose by integrating spiritual principles and practices. They assist clients in deepening self-awareness, connecting with higher guidance through techniques like meditation and visualization, and overcoming limiting beliefs that may be holding them back.

By encouraging authenticity, a Spiritual Life Coach supports individuals in embracing their true selves and aligning their actions with their values. They also enhance overall well-being by incorporating holistic practices that nurture emotional, mental, and physical health, fostering a sense of balance and harmony. Additionally, they provide support during life transitions, helping clients navigate changes with grace and resilience.

Working with a Spiritual Life Coach can be a transformative journey, offering the guidance and tools needed to heal, grow, and achieve inner peace and fulfillment.

As of now, I am not offering standalone Life Coaching services. However, I do provide Spiritual Guidance through my Holistic Harmony package. This comprehensive offering allows clients to experience energetic healing during their session and continue their healing journey with additional options that I can recommend.

The Holistic Harmony package is designed to support your overall well-being, combining energy healing with spiritual guidance tailored to your unique needs.

During our sessions, I offer spiritual living advice and guidance, especially beneficial for those who are just beginning their spiritual journey. Whether you are seeking to deepen your spiritual practice, find clarity, or navigate life’s challenges with greater ease, the Holistic Harmony package provides a nurturing space for growth and transformation. (Click here for pricing).

My goal is to empower you with the tools and insights needed to continue your healing beyond our sessions, fostering a lasting sense of peace and harmony in your life.

How does the Emotion Code work?

During your Body Code/Emotion Code Session, Cindy will access your subconscious mind to uncover the root causes of your emotional or physical challenges.

Using a method called pendulum dowsing, she will obtain yes or no answers from a comprehensive chart of imbalances that you are facing, guided by your subconscious mind. Once the specific imbalance is identified, Cindy will then release the trapped emotion or energy by simply running her hand over her own governing meridian.

This process promotes an energetically harmonious balance, enhancing not only your emotional state but also your physical well-being.

As an intuitive channel, Cindy will further enhance your session with her ability to connect to higher realms, providing deeper insights and facilitating a more profound healing experience.

Five years ago when Cindy was first introduced to the Emotion Code by a dear friend, she openly admits to her skepticism due to her unfamiliarity with energy healing. However, from that very first session, her skepticism dissolved into unwavering belief. The practitioner she collaborated with displayed an uncanny ability to pinpoint emotions she had undoubtedly experienced, and the subsequent emotional release and healing were nothing short of profound. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of Cindy’s transformative journey with the Emotion Code.

Is physical presence required for an Emotion Code session?

No, in fact, remote is the most common and effective method for a session. Energy has no boundaries and Cindy can effectively work with clients by connecting with the client’s energy remotely.

Cindy initially harbored doubts about the effectiveness of working with a practitioner from Canada, believing it might not yield tangible results. However, her preconceptions were proven incorrect. She not only benefited from the practitioner in Canada but also sought help from one in California. To her amazement, Cindy discovered that distance posed no obstacle to the efficacy of energy healing. In fact, she has successfully assisted clients as far away as Australia through her practice, reaffirming that the limitless nature of energy knows no boundaries.

How does a remote session work?

Cindy offers two convenient ways to work with her remotely, allowing you to choose the option that suits your preferences:

  1. Live Phone Sessions: 30-60 minutes, tailored to your specific needs, goals, and the amount you need to release that day.

    Experience the process in real-time by connecting with Cindy over the phone. You can actively participate in the sessions while she conducts the work, providing you with immediate insights and guidance.

  2. Written Notes and Recorded Explanation, at Cindy’s convenience: If you prefer a more flexible approach, Cindy can work independently and provide you with written notes detailing her findings.

    Additionally, she can record an explanation of her work, ensuring you receive comprehensive insights into the session’s outcomes.

Whichever method you choose, Cindy is committed to supporting your emotional healing journey, offering flexibility to accommodate your unique needs and preferences.

How long does it take to see results with the Emotion Code?

Results vary from person to person. Some may experience immediate shifts, while others may notice gradual changes over time. The number of sessions needed depends on individual circumstances.

For Cindy, the Emotion Code’s impact was nothing short of immediate and transformative.

In her very first session with the Canadian practitioner, something astonishing happened. The practitioner pinpointed an emotion trapped in her right ankle. This revelation left Cindy in awe, as she had been grappling with issues related to that very ankle – experiencing it giving way as she walked, and even once nearly tumbling down the stairs due to its instability. With the emotion released by the practitioner’s expertise, Cindy’s ankle issues vanished completely, and she has never experienced a problem with it since.

This remarkable turnaround left her astounded by the healing power of the Emotion Code.

Are there any side effects or contraindications?

The Emotion Code is generally safe and non-invasive. However, individuals may experience emotional releases or temporary discomfort as trapped emotions are released. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for serious medical conditions.

In Cindy’s personal journey, she discovered that after some sessions, she occasionally felt a sense of fatigue. There were instances when the practitioner’s work triggered intense emotional releases, leading to tears. However, Cindy realized that any slight side effects were overwhelmingly outweighed by the profound emotional healing and the overall sense of well-being she experienced.

Interestingly, Cindy noticed that the experiences of her clients varied. While some felt nothing, others might report mild side effects like headaches.

Nevertheless, the most common and remarkable feedback from her clients was the sensation of a heavy weight being lifted off their shoulders. They described feeling lighter, more energized, and happier after their Emotion Code sessions.

This transformative journey towards emotional liberation has left a lasting positive impact on both Cindy and those she helps.

Can the Emotion Code help with specific issues like chronic pain or relationship problems?

Yes, the Emotion Code aims to address a wide range of issues, including physical pain, emotional distress, and relationship challenges. It is a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of emotional and physical well-being.

Is the Emotion Code a replacement for traditional medical treatment?

The Emotion Code is considered a complementary approach to health and wellness.

While it may support overall well-being, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Individuals with serious health concerns should consult healthcare professionals.

Cindy’s healing journey led her to seek counseling with a therapist for a significant period. While therapy provided a platform for her to talk through and gain insights into her issues, she discovered that talking with her friends yielded the same results, but only scratched the surface. The Emotion Code, on the other hand, delved deep into her subconscious. It uncovered and released the emotions stemming from a lifetime of betrayal, which were trapped in her body’s energy.

It’s important to note that everyone’s healing journey is unique. For some, the combination of therapy and the Emotion Code proved to be the key to her profound healing transformation. The powerful synergy between these modalities illuminated the path to emotional liberation and well-being.

Can Cindy read my mind?

Absolutely not.

Cindy possesses the unique ability to tap into the energy of your subconscious mind, which holds the answers to your concerns. Your subconscious mind is a reservoir of your life experiences, emotions, and memories. It’s like a treasure trove containing the keys to understanding your inner world and addressing the challenges you face. Cindy’s expertise lies in deciphering the signals and energies within your subconscious, allowing her to facilitate emotional healing and guide you towards a brighter, more balanced life.

Rest assured that your personal information and experiences are held in the strictest confidence. Cindy is here to support your journey to healing and well-being, respecting your privacy every step of the way.


“Thank you for taking the time to explore the transformative potential of the Emotion Code and Body Code systems.

Your journey to emotional liberation and healing is a deeply personal one, and I am here to support you every step of the way. Remember, everyone’s path to well-being is unique, and the combination of these modalities could be the key to your own healing journey.

Give it a try – it just might be the answer to your prayers, unlocking a life filled with emotional peace, connection, and fulfillment.

I look forward to walking this path with you towards a brighter, happier future.”

In Love and Light,


Try a Session for FREE!

Offer Expires July 31, 2024

For Emotion Code / Body Code sessions.

The price for a 60 minute session is normally $88. For a limited time, in order to introduce a new set of clients to my work, I am offering a FREE initial first session, 30 minutes in length.

All sessions are over the phone.

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