Are you following your heart or letting your mind lead the way? In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of material success, social status, and the approval of others. However, true happiness and fulfillment come from living an authentic life, one that aligns with your deepest desires and passions. This blog post will explore the journey of finding and living your purpose, embracing your spiritual path, and discovering the profound joy that comes from following your heart.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
– Helen Keller


Follow Your Heart; It Knows Where Happiness Lives.

Living an Authentic Life

Are you living an authentic life? Or are you living for money, status, or someone else’s happiness? It’s a question that demands deep reflection. Often, we get caught up in societal pressures and expectations, chasing after financial success, social status, or approval from others, believing these external achievements will bring us happiness. But what does it mean to live authentically? It means aligning our actions with our true values and desires, embracing our unique journey, and finding fulfillment from within rather than from external sources.

The Pursuit of Money

When we live for money, we might find ourselves constantly striving for more—more income, more possessions, more material wealth. This endless chase can become all-consuming, making us lose sight of what truly matters. While financial stability is important for a comfortable life, making it the sole focus can lead to a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction. The pursuit of money can overshadow our true passions and the things that genuinely bring us joy. For instance, you might sacrifice your hobbies, time with loved ones, or personal well-being for the sake of earning more. Over time, this can lead to burnout and a profound sense of emptiness. Instead, finding a balance where financial stability supports your passions and values can lead to a more fulfilling life.

The Desire for Status

Living for status means seeking validation and recognition from others. Therefore, it involves molding our lives to fit societal standards of success, often at the expense of our true desires and values. This can create a disconnect between who we truly are and the image we present to the world. For example, you might pursue a high-powered career because it is seen as prestigious, even if it doesn’t align with your personal interests or bring you joy. Over time, this disconnect can lead to feelings of emptiness and unfulfillment. True fulfillment comes from aligning your life with your authentic self and not from the accolades and approval of others. When you live authentically, you attract genuine respect and admiration for who you are, not just what you achieve.

Living for Others’ Happiness

Living for someone else’s happiness is another common trap. Prioritizing the needs and expectations of others—family, friends, or society—over our own can lead to resentment and a loss of self. While it’s important to care for and support those we love, completely sacrificing our own happiness for the sake of others is detrimental. You might find yourself constantly trying to please others, suppressing your own needs and desires. Over time, this can lead to feelings of resentment and a sense of being unfulfilled. It’s essential to find a balance where you can support and care for others while also nurturing your own happiness and well-being. When you live authentically, you can offer genuine support to others from a place of fulfillment and inner peace.

Embracing a Spiritual Life

If you’re finding it challenging to navigate these aspects of life, embracing spirituality can be a transformative step. Spirituality helps you connect with your true self and understand your higher purpose. For more insights on this journey, you can read my blog on 10 Reasons to Embrace a Spiritual Life. This can provide you with valuable perspectives on how spirituality can guide you towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

My Personal Journey

For most of my life, I believed that following my heart in my career as a portrait photographer was enough. My work brought me immense joy and satisfaction, and I cherished the creative process of producing family heirlooms.

However, I also lived in my head, driven by the ego’s demands for more—more work, more recognition, more money. Consequently, I worked relentless hours, often at the cost of my well-being, sacrificing intimate relationships, friends, and the blessing of motherhood.”

I came to realize that living for money, status, or others’ approval did not bring me true fulfillment. It was a hard lesson to learn, but it opened my eyes to the importance of living authentically and embracing my spiritual path. After six decades on this earth, I finally understand that true happiness comes from living in alignment with our heart’s desires, nurturing our passions, and prioritizing what genuinely brings us joy.

Waking Up to the Truth

Don’t wait until near the end of your life, like me, only now coming to the realization that life is more than just a game of accumulating wealth and status. Additionally, the last few years of my life were transformational for me. Spirituality opened my eyes to who we really are and why we are here. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and our purpose is to spread love and light, and to help others find their own path to happiness and fulfillment.

When you realize that life is a game we play over and over again until we “get” it—until we open our eyes to our true selves—it changes everything. We are here to learn, grow, and evolve. Our purpose is not to chase material success, but to find inner peace and to help others do the same.

Are You Living Your Purpose?

Are you living your purpose? Nevertheless, finding and living your purpose involves listening to your heart and aligning your actions with your true self. It means doing God’s work, not in a religious sense, but as a spiritual being committed to spreading love and light.

How to Find Your Purpose and Live Authentically

1. Listen to Your Heart: Pay attention to what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Your heart knows what’s best for you.
2. Embrace Spirituality: Connect with your spiritual self. Understand that you are here for a higher purpose.
3. Spread Love and Light: Make it your mission to spread love and positivity wherever you go. Heal yourself, and in doing so, you will help heal others.
4. Trust in a Loving God: Believe that a loving God wants you to live a happy, stress-free, and peaceful life. He showed me the way to inner peace, and I am here to share that path with you.
5. Live Authentically: Be true to yourself. Let go of societal expectations and live a life that is genuine and fulfilling.

My Purpose on This Earth

I believe that my purpose on this earth is to guide you to a path of peace. To teach you to fear nothing, fear no one. Spread your love and light to everyone, every day. Let go of everything that does not serve you. Believe that no matter what, everything will be okay, and know that love is ALWAYS the answer.

I believe that I experienced the heartache, heartbreak, and turmoil in my life to prepare me for this mission. My journey through the Dark Night of the Soul and my subsequent Spiritual Awakening have shaped me and given me the strength and wisdom to help others on their spiritual journeys. These challenges taught me the profound importance of resilience, compassion, and self-love, which are essential elements in the quest for inner peace.

Moreover, I have been blessed with the ability to channel ethereal beings, my Angel guides, who are teaching me life lessons so that I may teach them to others. They are guiding me on my path of resilience, strength, and spiritual growth, providing profound insights and support.

If you’re interested in learning more about spirituality and my journey to peace, follow me on this blog. Explore my other posts and feel free to ask any questions you may have. Together, we can embark on this journey towards a more fulfilled and spiritually enriched life.

Reflecting on Your True Happiness

Are you living authentically, or are you caught in the pursuit of external measures of success? Are you living a lie? Are you truly happy, deep down inside? Consider what truly makes your heart sing and brings you spiritual peace. Remember, it’s never too late to live happily ever after.

The Path to Authentic Living

Living authentically means making choices that align with your true self and values, rather than succumbing to external pressures and expectations. Whether it’s the pursuit of money, status, or the happiness of others, these external factors should not overshadow what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. By reflecting on your life and making conscious choices that align with your heart, you can find a deeper sense of purpose and happiness. Moreover, always remember that love plays a crucial role in living authentically. To explore this further, check out my blog on 5 Spiritual Reasons Love is Always the Answer. Love, both for yourself and others, is a powerful force that can guide you towards a life of joy and peace.

By integrating these practices and perspectives, you can start living a life that truly reflects who you are and what you value most.


Check out these YouTube videos for guidance on how to follow and listen to your heart, and start your journey towards a more authentic and joyful life today.


Following my heart,