How Can I Help You TODAY?

I’m Cindy Baxter and I specialize in energy healing using the Emotion Code/Body Code systems and I am a Spiritual Life Coach.

For more info about Cindy, click here.

For more info about Emotion Code/Body Code, click here.

On this page, you’ll find some symptoms of unresolved emotional wounds.

When accumulated throughout life, these wounds can manifest as both emotional and physical pain. If you suffer from any of these, you may benefit from my Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions.

Are you seeking deeper personal growth? You may want to embark on a journey to rediscover your inner peace by blending Intuitive Energy Healing with Spiritual Life Coaching through our Holistic Harmony Healing sessions.

Click the button below for more info on all our offerings, packages and specials so you can determine the best option for you as you embark on your own healing journey.

The following are the symptoms. Browse through, and if any of these feel familiar, I may be able to help!

Unresolved Emotional Wounds

Feelings of Betrayal

Betrayal is deeply painful, undermining trust and safety. It often triggers a cycle of emotional pain. Cindy utilizes Emotion Code & Body Code systems to address root causes, release trapped emotions, and change betrayal dynamics.

Does the pain of betrayal continue to affect your life? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you) and pave the way for emotional healing and freedom from that repetitive cycle of pain.


Feeling lost in life is like being adrift in a vast ocean without a compass or map. It’s a sense of disorientation, confusion, and uncertainty about who you are, what you want, and where you’re headed. Cindy uses the Emotion Code as a beacon, unraveling emotional complexities, and guiding individuals toward clarity and purpose.

Do you feel lost, uncertain where you’re headed in life? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Overcome confusion, rediscover your path and thrive with renewed purpose and direction in your life.


Are you unlucky in love or struggling in matters of the heart? You may have a HeartWall, an emotional barrier that the Body Code can help dismantle. This system helps you to understand and release the emotional barriers around your heart so that genuine connections can flourish.

Do you want to break free from love struggles? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Take the first step toward cultivating lasting and genuine relationships.

Childhood Trauma

Trauma from childhood can profoundly affect our adult lives. It can impact emotional and physical health, relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Cindy uses the Body Code system to identify and release these trapped emotions without reliving the trauma, providing a path to emotional restoration.

Do you want to free yourself from the burden of childhood trauma? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Free yourself from trapped emotions and pave the way for a brighter, more resilient future.


Sorrow is a profound and intense emotion characterized by deep sadness, grief, or regret. Sorrow can manifest in various ways, such as tears, heaviness in the chest, or a sense of emptiness. Cindy uses the Emotion Code as a sanctuary, acknowledging your sorrow while carefully releasing its layers and paving the way for healing.

Do you want to be free from sorrow’s dominion? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you). Feel lighter as you unravel the knots of grief in your life and embrace a healed, calm & resilient future.


Anger is intense emotion that can be expressed or unexpressed. It is often triggered by frustration or perceived injustice and can lead to stress, physical health issues and strained relationships. Cindy uses the Body Code to address the imbalances in your body’s energy field and release the trapped emotions that are causing the anger.

Are you often overcome by feelings of anger? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Embark on a transformative journey to achieve lasting peace and emotional balance.

Aches & Pains

Physical pain can be the result of trapped emotions, highlighting the crucial link between emotional health and physical well-being. Cindy uses the Body Code to identify and release these blockages, offering relief and improving overall health.

Do you suffer from unexplained aches & pains? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Embrace this holistic approach to tackle the root causes of discomfort and achieve balance in mind and body.

Emotional Baggage

If you are carrying emotional baggage, you are experiencing unresolved emotional issues, traumas, or negative experiences from the past that continue to affect you in the present. Cindy uses the Emotion Code as a safe space to explore and let go of all the accumulated emotions and past hurts behind that baggage.

Do you carry emotional baggage and are unsure where it stems from? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you). Uncover and release your trapped emotions, leading to a more joyful & vibrant life.

Undiagnosed Illnesses

Illnesses that are ongoing and undiagnosed are often influenced by unresolved emotions and can significantly affect our health. Cindy uses the Body Code to target trapped disrupters that can manifest as physical symptoms without a clear medical diagnosis.

Do you suffer from such an illness? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Embrace a path to physical and emotional restoration, overcome puzzling symptoms and achieve a healthier life.

Digestive Issues

Digestive issues, often linked to unresolved emotional trauma, can significantly disrupt daily life by affecting nutrient absorption and overall comfort. Cindy uses the Body Code to identify and clear trapped emotions, without the need to relive your emotional past.

Do you suffer from ongoing digestive complaints? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Address the emotional roots of your digestive problems and become empowered to lead a healthier, more comfortable life.

Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem refers to a negative perception of oneself and a lack of confidence in one’s abilities or worth. Cindy uses the Emotion Code to tackle the roots shaping your self-perception, identifying and releasing emotions causing your self-doubt and negative beliefs.

Is low self-esteem blocking your path to the life you deserve? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Pave the way for newfound confidence and empowerment and embrace a more authentic version of yourself, free from the constraints of low self-esteem.


Anxiousness is a state of ongoing uneasiness, worry, or nervousness often without an obvious cause. Cindy uses the Body Code to identify and release the feelings behind that tension, leading to a healthier emotional state and improved quality of life.

Do you suffer from a persistent sense of worry, unease or apprehension, even in situations where there is no apparent danger? If so, contact Cindy today (click here to select the best session for you).  Find and address the root causes behind your anxiousness and move forward in life with greater serenity and focus.


Try a Session for FREE!

Offer Expires July 31, 2024

For Emotion Code / Body Code sessions.

The price for a 60 minute session is normally $88. For a limited time, in order to introduce a new set of clients to my work, I am offering a FREE initial first session, 30 minutes in length.

All sessions are over the phone.

To Sign up, all you need to do is join our list. Be the first to hear about new things going on here and it's FREE. Just click the button below and you'll be taken to our sign up page. Once you sign up there will be a link to Cindy's calendar on the thank you/confirmation page that follows. 

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I am diligently gathering everything you'll need to embark on your own path towards your best life ever. Join us - it's free! - and be the first to know about everything!

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